Modern technologies enable organizations to generate unprecedented quantum of data; effective management of these data has become the crux to the growth of an organization. Today’s organizations are dynamic and subsequently their data and information as well. We enable the organizations to face the challenge of managing structured data, unstructured data, data from different sources, in different formats and for different user requirements. While devising strategies and processes collaboratively with our client's benefits from expertise in
Data Reuse
Data Re-engineering
Data Warehousing
Data Mining
Data management is constantly changing and it is vital that the processes established has much longer life span. Our solutions enable organization to move beyond collection of raw data but to efficient systems for processing, storing, and validating data, as well as effective analysis strategies.
VJSAR analytics services enable augmented intelligence by turning structured and unstructured data into actionable insights. Our analytics experts understand both the technical and industry-specific characteristics of your business. We'll blend leading technologies with our team's skills across big data analytics, predictive analytics, and business intelligence to create competitive advantage. The result? Data-driven insights and more informed decisions for our clients
Business intelligence helps organizations to make better business decisions through present and historical data within its business context.At VJSAR, we enable our clients to navigate through voluminous data collected at every stage of the business processes and get actionable information for better and quicker decision making. Our team ensures a sound BI architecture is which is
Scalable on the volume of data
Effective on the usage patterns
Efficient in meeting the business objectives & outputs.
Our team will enable you to gain competitive advantage and take business decisions supported by better predictive ability and better ability to optimize after accounting for both planned and unplanned events. Our Analytics team has expertise across our wide range of advanced analytics solutions and help you to gain a greater insight into your data and enable you to mine, segment and visualize data interactively, improve productivity through predictive analysis, data visualizations, simulation and optimization.
Predictive Analytics.
Our experts enable harness heterogeneous, massive, data sets into models and evaluate the hidden relationships between factors and outcomes and then forecasts or estimates an unknown value or event thus supporting our clients in achieving business goals.
Simulation and Visualization
Our experts enable you to test, in a modelling environment, management scenarios with varying starting conditions in order to assess and characterize their likely outcome. Our team also enables you to identify the scenario(s) of highest benefit at the lowest cost.